The Ice Man Cometh Back!
They are even laughing!
A lot has been written and filmed about the benefits of extreme cold on the human body. Is it hype or is there science behind it?
In the last 50 years, the average temperature in our homes has risen by 7 degrees. We all feel warmer but are we any healthier? The scourge of covid and the myriad of viral infections that have popped up in ts wake would suggest that we are not.
Have we got too flabby? Too comfortable in our overheated houses but far more prone to disease and lacking the stamina to fight off infections?
If this interests you, why not come, find out more and try this for yourself?
Mark Hodson, our very own Ice Man, is holding a class on 16th November. The day is full of explanations, demonstrations, food and………..a session in the ice bath. Book your spot by emailing him: Ice Bath