The Saw Mill Cafe, Barton Court, Colwall, WR13 6HN
The cafe has now moved from its original site in the Loose Box to the barn behind it. This is called the Saw Mill and is bigger, brighter and more spacious. The winter opening hours are: from 9:30 until 3pm on Tuesday and 9:30am to 3pm from Thursday to Sunday.
We are all keen foodies here at Barton Court. Eating is one of the most fundamental pleasures of life, enjoyed by everyone. It is a critical part of hospitality and so is at the heart of the welcome that we extend to our visitors.
our cakes
We have a bit of a reputation for a varied range of delicious cakes. Our over-riding criterion for including anything on our menu is flavour: if it doesn’t taste good, there’s no point in stocking it. We have four different cake suppliers, all small artisan bakers who specialise in particular types of cake. Between their combined talents, we cater for a range of flavour profiles and dietary requirements and always offer a selection of vegan and gluten free cakes.